Me Too!

So in January 2016, I was in Madeira having a typical start to my day there walking along the gorgeous in town ocean.  I had one of my most serious ”  I’m out for a real exercise walk” outfits on when a young lady stopped me and asked me if I wanted to take a free magazine from her.

I instantly thought “oh she must not have noticed I have my serious walking outfit on” and told her if she was still there when I returned maybe I would take one. She was in fact there when I returned and even closer to my apartment so I took one from her.

I went back to my apartment and started leafing through it with my “I’m a marketing professional” hat on. Jerk. Nice paper stock. Good photos. A kind of sophisticated layout.

It included a mid-section vertical with 6 local celebrities being featured – a type of interview format asking them their favorite places to eat, relax, etc. I noticed an attractive woman photograph with some witty responses in her interview. When I got to the bottom – it said her name was Patricia Pinto!!! I laughed really, really hard and thought I’ve got to go find her. It ‘s a Saturday. I can’t wait for Monday to come so I can go to her shop/studio. 

So, Patricia Pinto of Madeira is a haute couture women’s fashion designer. As you probably figured out these photos are a sampling of her fabulousness. 

I get to her place on Monday and it is a long narrow space with a step down to a second section and a step up to a third one. I’m standing in the middle of the space, probably with a deer in headlights look on my face, when she comes rushing out from the back with an arm full of clothes, and a clipboard and a bunch of files. She says, Hello may I help you.” I ask her if she is Patricia Pinto and she says ” why yes I am.”

I reply by pointing at myself and I said ” me too”. She replies ” how curious” and throws down everything in her hands on a table, and throws her two arms out in an obvious gesture that she wants me to go hug her. We sat and talked for hours. 

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