Bubba’s Sulky Lounge

December 23rd, 2019

So here we are the older experienced ladies (Schmidt’y – age 36 at the time and me) taking two of our Cloudport young millennials to Bubba’s. Sort of a rite of passage kinda thing. It’s May 2017. It was so much fun to introduce these two wide-eyed wonderful young souls to … Continue reading

Google Glass – I’m In!

April 7th, 2013

Boomer transformation flash ……. I was invited to be part of the Google Glass Explorer program. How cool is that. I know nothing more – it was simply a post by Google with my entry saying they would be sending me a private message with more details in the coming weeks.  I … Continue reading

Brain Practices (Post IV)

March 4th, 2013

This is the last in the series of blog posts focused on enhancing the special strengths of the Boomer brain as discussed in Dr. Sandra Chapman’s book  “Make Your Brain Smarter.” Your brain can be changed by how you use it, by how you activate it every day— no matter … Continue reading

Brain Practices (Post III)

February 25th, 2013

Integrated Reasoning. This is the third post which relates  to the book “Make Your Brain Smarter.” If you have not read the first two posts look for the Brain icon in earlier posts and read them first. Also note, if you want to buy the book “Make Your Brain Smarter” … Continue reading

Brain Practices (Post II)

February 17th, 2013

As a Boomer, I am thrilled to learn that your brain ages extremely well. In Dr. Sandra Chapman’s book, Make Your Brain Smarter, we learn that a Boomer’s best brain years are still ahead of us!  Like many other things the more we invest in our brains the bigger the … Continue reading