An essay by deepak chopra

Here’s an essay published by Deepak that is relevant to the Sages & Scientists Symposium and the discussions that will take place there this coming weekend.
As you know if you read my recent post about Deepak – I just spent 10.5 hours listening to Deepak speak at a discussion event at Kripalu. I was 15 feet away and I was in awe of his wisdom then.
Another Deepak imageAN Essay by deepak chopra
Science is God Explaining God to God Through the Human Nervous System.

The mathematical formulations and abstract notions and concepts that emanate from our brains as a result of electromagnetic storms in synaptic networks are as much an expression of nature as the beautiful and myriad colors on the feathers of a peacock or the wings of a butterfly. They are as much a pattern of movement of the universe as the rotation of stars or the eddies of a whirlpool or the swirling of a tornado or the electromagnetic storms that create thunder and lightning.

These patterns manifest through neural tissues as the questions: “Who are we?” “Is there an omnipotent creator?” “What is the meaning of death?” “Does the soul take quantum leaps of creativity as it evolves through eons of time?” Because the nervous system is hardwired to ask these questions, it must also be hardwired to seek and discover the answers.

The ancient wisdom tradition of Vedanta states that a single, undifferentiated reality expresses itself as knower and known, as observer and observed, as seer and scenery. Einstein is said to have stated, “I want to know how God thinks, everything else is a detail.”

As we look through the window of science into the deeper reality, we discover that we are all members of the same Being. In that discovery, we cannot help but experience great awe, profound humility, and deep reverence for the mystery of existence and this makes the scientific endeavor worthwhile.

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